"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."
- Thomas Paine
“Representative Anderson proved to be a strong advocate for my list of priorities during the Special Session, and has remained a tireless ally in the fight for both education policy and pro-life reform. I am proud to endorse Representative Anderson for re-election. The voters of House District 105 can be assured that their voices will be heard through Representative Anderson’s impeccable leadership in Austin.” – Governor Greg Abbott
I am running for Texas House District 105 to ensure our community has a voice in Austin.
I was born and raised in this district and it’s where I call home.
I am a proven leader with a proud record of standing strong for our Texas values. I am a citizen who understands that an elected representative must represent all of the people in the district, not special interests in Austin.
Just like you, I’ve had enough of excessive spending, enough of excessive taxation, and enough of the unfunded mandates on our education system.
As your Representative, I will work day and night for a smaller, less intrusive government, lower taxes, reduced spending and a secure border. I am a champion for the liberties and freedoms of Texans.
While Texas has done very well under conservative leadership, we can still do better, and I want to continue helping to lead our great state forward.
Our campaign is off to a great start with support from citizens all over the district who share our message. And we want you to join us today.
I respectfully ask for your support and your vote on November 4th.